Romanian man loses high could appeal to prevent his extradition to Romania.


Alice Heron

A Romanian man, Petronel Pal, has lost appeal in the Court of Appeal. Romanian authorities are seeking to extradite Mr Pal for an alleged murder committed in Ireland. Mr Pal is accused of the aggravated murder of Virgil Busa, a Romanian national, and wanted for prosecution in Romania.

Mr Pal’s counsel, Remy Farrell SC, argued that ‘Ireland must be shown to prosecute the offence in an equivalent circumstance.’ Similar to that of Ian Baileys extradition to France for the alleged murder of Sophie Tuscan du Plantier. Mr Justice Maurice Collins stated that a refusal to surrender Mr Pal “would constitute a clear and unwarranted departure from the State’s obligations under
the [EAW] framework decision.”

The Court of Appeal allowed a stay of 14- days in order for a possible Supreme Court appeal.


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